Well it’s docket call again, Here I sit with my file, minimizing my client’s sin, The stories seem to blur, when they’re told time and time again, The State has to many cases to really talk about, We’ll just have to pass, while my client whines and pouts, Well...
Presumption of Innocence; Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
Presumption of Innocence; Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt Texas courts do not have a definition for "beyond a reasonable doubt." Can you imagine being a juror and trying to understand the Texas Penal Code explanation below? For a jury to find a defendant guilty of a crime, the government's proof...
Leopold & Loeb Murder Trial – The Importance of Preparing for Sentencing
Leopold & Loeb Murder Trial - The Importance of Preparing for Sentencing Most people think the goal of a criminal defense attorney is to achieve a verdict of not guilty. However, in some cases, the mission of a criminal defense lawyer is to negotiate a deal for their client. This...