It’s time for a clean slate! Don’t let your past mistakes determine your future. Contact Attorney John Nix to see if you meet the requirements for sealing or expunging your criminal record. Expungement - Frequently Asked Questions What does it mean to have your criminal record expunged? Expunge your records...
Criminal Defense Strategy – Telling the Truth in Court
5 TCU Students Face Criminal Charges Following a Tragic Boating Accident From a legal perspective, this next case demonstrates the importance of a carefully orchestrated criminal defense strategy. In 2019, 12 Texas Christian University students were involved in a tragic boating accident on Lake Travis that left one person dead....
Wrongful Death Claim FAQs
What Is a Wrongful Death Claim? It’s important to understand that a wrongful death claim is not a criminal prosecution. A wrongful death lawsuit will not result in prison time or fines with a conviction. In some cases, wrongful death claims can come after a criminal trial, using similar evidence,...
Who I Am – Memorial Day Tribute
Who I Am - Memorial Day Tribute During jury selection, it's common for lawyers to mention that American soldiers died to protect the defendant's rights. Although I've never served in the military, I believe this to be true. When I asked my father-in-law, a Vietnam Veteran, to share his thoughts,...
Lawyer’s Lament – Written by Attorney John H. Nix
Well it’s docket call again, Here I sit with my file, minimizing my client’s sin, The stories seem to blur, when they’re told time and time again, The State has to many cases to really talk about, We’ll just have to pass, while my client whines and pouts, Well...